HMN New Partner: Triple Bristle
Thanks to the great work of our HMN Team, GHN continues to transform lives in the autism community. Using the platform that was established to enhance communication and advance education, we are now bringing forward other life enhancing capabilities. Our new partnership with TripleBristle is producing amazing results in our early pilots. As an example, please enjoy the following feedback from a parent engaged in our pilot.
So glad to hear from you Daniela!
I watched the entire video of the webinar/video conference with Dr. Dent. He is a hoot! It’s always refreshing to find the parent of a child with severe autism with a sense of humor.
But Rosie didn’t “fit” into the scenarios he discussed. She DOES brush her teeth independently – but only after prompting and with supervision. It’s more than “supervision” – I usually have my own toothbrush or I use a finger to “role model” the motions with Rose. We either BOTH look into the mirror or we look at each other. Still often I have to take her brush and get in there because I don’t think she’s doing a thorough enough job.
But NOT ANYMORE! The Triple-Bristle Brush is FABULOUS. It a been a great success here. Our biggest problem was end-of-day fatigue. She would simply not want to go brush her teeth and I was too fatigued to insist. But we haven’t missed a night since I watched the video -and Rosie has shown no resistance whatsoever.
This unto itself is terrific. But more than that, and equally important is that now I’m confident that when Rose brushes her teeth on her own – she’s getting all sides and down to the gum line. I also adopted the “count to five” method demonstrated by Dr. Dent and his son. Prior to this I sincerely didn’t believe Rose thoroughly understood what it was to “brush all sides” and “get your gums too.”
The Triple Bristle Brush has been a god-send (can an Atheist say that?) to us here. During our last visit to her dentist (the Kidzent practice in Old Bridge – where they still have the laughing gas so your child is NEVER required to go to a hospital) they recommended I have her rinse with Prevident, a high fluoride mouth rinse, after brushing and before she went to sleep. I’ll work that in after the next week or so.
PLEASE extend my sincere and profound thanks to the foundation that provided us with this wonderful new dental hygiene tool.
Aka “Rosie’s Mom”
Be proud of what we are collectively accomplishing, we are making a big difference in the lives of many.
Best regards,